Fixing big ships requires big tools...
LIU Plasma Cutter
The Ludgonian Industrial Union is proud to present the newest product in its new line of construction ships, the Plasma Cutter. Bringing your capital ships or space stations back to the surface for repairs is expensive, time consuming, and sometimes impossible. Don't fret, now you don't have to.
LIU Plasma Cutter
The Ludgonian Industrial Union is proud to present the newest product in its new line of construction ships, the Plasma Cutter. Bringing your capital ships or space stations back to the surface for repairs is expensive, time consuming, and sometimes impossible. Don't fret, now you don't have to.

The Plasma Cutter was designed to make precise cuts in your ships' and space stations' hulls. Its cheaper to remove damaged pieces and replace them.

Note the long plasma blade on the front of the ship. It does the slicing and dicing...

The Plasma Cutter is loaded with thrusters that allow it to make the precise movements required to make precise cuts.

In case your color blind, it's yellow with hints of black. Yep, it doesn't get more contructiony than that....

This rear view exposes the three rear thrusters. The two side thrusters are for turning, while the larger center thruster is for power and speed.

Various hoses, compartments, and thrusters line the sides of the Plasma Cutter.

This view shows off the top mounted cockpit and the two main reverse thrusters.

A closer view of the aforementioned cockpit reveals the pilot and computer. We tearfully admit that there is only one....yes....only one, computer panel in this thing. We wanted more, but cutting chunks out of ships isn't complicated enough for more.

This pic probably should have been higher up, as it shows the main tool of the ship. But here it is, the Plasma Cutter's plasma cutter. New ionic technology is used to superheat the blade, allowing it to cut through your ship like a hot knife through butter.
Note: The Plasma Cutter costs a small fortune, but we promise you'll end up saving in the long run. Yep, a decade or two down the road, when its finally paid off, you'll see all the savings. Just be patient.